A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Here you are.

Looking for a pretty unique RPG? Or maybe looking for yet another hololive fan game?

Look no further. And enjoy the neo-classical RPG experience offered by Hololive Ultimate: Apocrypha and its custom game engine* built-on the libgdx graphics library (no, I didn't make a custom rendering engine, I'm sorry).

[Disclaimer, game is early-development proof of concept demo. Only two months of development]

(Most recent update not properly play tested and with some missing features, stay tuned)


  • Non-Standard battle-system stolen based on a flash game I half remember from 8 years ago. you will get to click on circles.
    Go watch the video, it is easier for me to explain that way;
  • Open World RPG, It is more of a Legend of Zelda ('86) than a Breath of the Wild,
  • Moddable (partially, better support in further updates) watch modding video for more information;
  • Complex self-balancing, challenging, combat system and mechanics;
  • Certified(tm) funny and engaging RPG story.
  • SOME sound-effects and PRESENT music;
  • Asynchronous multi-threading. Live Fast, die young race conditions
  • (As of most recent update we have synchronous also)
  • SAVE SYSTEM (1 Save limitation because UI, fixed at a later date)
  • Vine boom sound effect implemented in 1 hour
  • There is a youtube tutorial


  • For your most needs all you need to do is press F, if you are unsure what key to press, press F it will Fix most of your problems.
  • WASD / Arrow Keys to move around
  • Mouse to aim. Left click to attack, Left click to defend
  • Dialogue forward works both with F and left click
  • E or esc to open the game menu
  • Navigate menu with mouse or arrow keys (not right now)
  • Exit auto-saves


  • Some menus are not yet implemented

  • Save frequently, auto save not yet implemented
  • Shop screen is simply a recycled choice screen, and choice screen ugly af
  • Keyboard control not supported in the choice screen, stupid maybe
  • Thanks to development debt, Japanese characters aren't supported by the engine, that is planned to be fixed asap

Future Development

Before we get into the technical details of this; here is the gist of what is planned to be added in the future:

  • Firstly, obviously, more game
  • Expand levels, improve assets, add mechanics:
    • Add additional AI intelligence levels
    • Improve UI feel, layout, assets, menus, etc
    • Improve support and add different weapon sight shapes
    • Decide if I should actually add charm mechanics to this game or let it be
    • Consumables
    • Level Up prompt, more involved level up process;
    • Balancing and pacing improvements
    • uhhhh... terrible promise but... everything can and maybe will be improved????????
    • Improve the level up system, it was a bit rushed during crunch
  • General architectural redesign and bug fixing:
    • The way Hit-boxes work is beyond stupid, it needs to be remade from the ground up.
    • 「Code Restructuring」 (The F stands for Fun)
    • Make code more readable (for me);
    • Moddable but not modder friendly, need to improve;
    • I don't think there are any major bugs. Like you know, game crashing, save corrupting, unfixable by the end-user, capital B Bugs................ Someone's gonna crash, for sure, and somehow their entire OS will be deleted by some sort of accidental day zero vulnerability in the windows clippy resummoning code, fear the paper clip FEAR

Current Development

  • Hitboxes good now
  • Some「Code Restructuring」 (The F stands for Fun) done
  • Completely change the way I draw to the screen to support multiple resolutions; done
  • Resolution fixed, painful
  • Some settings :)

Disclaimers (fun!!!!)

  • Early-Development Demo
  • Assets are: either pre-existing Hololive things I ""stole"" from the official-hololive website or: the mouses cursors I actually stole from: this OR: Things I poorly made myself in GIMP. (linux user btw);
    • Tl;Dr the art is not impressive;
  • Some sound effects are free (libre) sound effects, others I simply sampled some of the "idols" talking, yelling etc. Music either MIDI made by myself, or Spanish guitar recordings, by myself;
    • TL;Dr the sound design is not impressive;
  • I coded this engine;
    • Tl;Dr the engine is not impressive;
  • This game and my person do their utmost to comply with the following code of conduct in relation to the hololive derivative work guidelines


NOW GO SON! And spread this game wide, and plaster my face over the internet, those who do so will be rewarded in... [checks notes]

*definition of costume engine may vary

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Made withGIMP, Audacity, libGDX
TagsAction RPG, Anime, Fangame, hololive, libGDX
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Windows-Zip 296 MB
Linux (Basically just the .jar) 112 MB

Install instructions

Windows people, extract the "zip" and then run the "game.exe" file.

If you don't have an archive extraction tool (winrar or 7-zip for example) download the zip version instead of the compressed one. (if you don't know then you don't)

Linux people, you don't need instructions, but:
install java [JRE] (knowing you, you have the whole jdk installed), then
[user]$ java -jar *.jar
(use flags if you're feeling fancy)

Development log


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This game's battle concept looks interesting, but sadly I couldn't get it to work on my computer.

The battle is triggered but I can't see the screen where I'm supposed to aim at the enemy. :(

I'm sorry you are having difficulties. That issue is unforeseen, I even made sure to test the game on windows machines.

 In about 2 weeks a massive code refactoring and performance update will be coming up. With some gameplay and map updates to boot.
I will also try and bundle the JRE with the executable file.

If it is not much of a bother, would you be willing to eventually see if the update that will come in 2 weeks time fixes your problems?

I'll give the updated version a try for sure.

Reply to this message when you have it uploaded so I get a notification. :)

Hi, I have succeeded (according to wine, but not my windows vm) in bundling the JRE. (Some screenshots of the ordeal bellow)
If all goes to plan all you need to do is run the "game.exe" executable. (Otherwise you can try to run the .jar directly, but I remain afraid that it might not resolve your issues (even the JRE bundling may do nothing))

I am also sorry to announce as per my dev-log, that the gameplay updates are limited to adding some blue guys that chase you in a straight line in order to initiate battle, and play testing is almost null. (And an intro sequence, but that isn't much gameplay) As most of the time was "utilised" in "technical" improvements that are not very visible. (Hey I was able to make the collision detection function 200% faster at least).

I am confident that there is nothing crash inducing in there at least. The HP bars in battle are not very functional right now with the drawing routines update, but battles remain playable all the same, if you run into one of those blue guys a battle should initiate (with the proper screen and such). If it doesn't... that would be a bit strange and worrying since, as I've mentioned before, neither me, nor any of the play testers (I guess I forgot to mention the play-testers, looking back) experienced that bug before.
Let us pray that bundling the JRE solves at-least that problem.
Also, if you run the game trough the cmd (using "start game.exe" in the game folder) stacktraces, logging and the sort should be exposed to you.
Now that the update thing is out of the way; I will, if you may allow me, move into other matters, maybe personal, maybe professional depending on your point of view.

Let me first give out the disclaimer, that expression is not my strong suit. If I sound confusing, snide, abrasive, rash, uncaring, and so on, I deeply apologise.

I've been lurking the hololive fan game scene for a few months now, especially when I first decided to make a fan game of my own (seeing other people's ideas and the sort). I see that you are the creator of DOOG and an unity coder. And personally It is awe-inspiring how active you are on said community.
I am always very interested in other people's code and project ideas, and would very much like, if possible. to discuss with you several questions in the area of game development and such. (I'm also wondering about what you may currently be working on, if anything).

Anyway, I'd love to be able, if possible and if I am not asking too much, to have further and more direct contact, and hopefully collaboration, with you.

Un-edited proof of the classic: "hey it works on my machine"

This is a highly condensed and simplified screenshot of what I was doing inside a Virtual Machine to make an .exe file

Well, it hurt (using windows cmd and making a windows vm and the sort)... but now I should be able to do it again easily.
Sorry for the overly technical, and probably disgusting, reply.

I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Good job working on the internal improvements. They may not be visible to the player, but if it improves the game, it's worth the effort.


game good

don't understand anime but good 👍